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Showing posts from October, 2012

Note for Birthday Boy, Pringgo.

Hey Go, Happy Birthday !!! Catatan I  Ingat gak kamu... pada ulang tahun kamu yang kesekian kemarin, aku datang ke rumah,  tengah malam bawa kue ulang tahun berwujud blackforest, lengkap dengan lilin dan kado kesukaan kamu. Kadonya spesial, aku cari dari luar daerah dengan nabung berbulan-bulan. Inget gak.  Romantis banget yaaa. Tapi  Ngoooook, boong....ini boong asli. Belom pernah yang model ini. Ada juga kayak gini... Catatan II ceritanya lagi sms-an.  Cowok : Eh kamu lupa yaa.. Cewek : Lupa apaaan, ga ada apa-apa kan? Cowok : Masa lupa sih.. Cewek : Apaaan. kalo lupa ingetin kek.. Cowok : Ya udah gapapa sms-an terhenti. Si cewek buka laptop, buka fesbuk. Nemu banyak ucapan ulang tahun buat si cowok.  cewek : Ya ampun, Kamu ulang tahun ya. Maaf yaaa...beneran lupa kok. Gak sengaja.  Catatan III Hei gogogogo, untuk kesekian kali Happy Birhday. Maaf gak bisa manis manis romantis.  Udah bawaan :...

Catch a smile on Mount Tsukuba

Voila.... Hello there, hello my blog, hello my self!!. A lot of things to say, a lot of thing to write. Yes, I have to write due to my lack brain capacity to remember anything :) Last week i went to mount Tsukuba. It takes about 40 minutes driving car from Tsukuba University. I went to Tsukuba with Fujiko san. She is staff of International Student center in Tsukuba University. While we talked in Tsukuba Express during our trip to Sato Foundation, I talked to her that I intend to go to Mount Tsukuba. Lucky me, she invited me to go to mount tsukuba. Coincidentally, her daugther, Fuzuki also had a plan to go to mount Tsukuba with all her nurseries friends.  there we go...She picked me at the Ichinoya dormintory bus stop. And I was so suprised because many of kids there in 5 age and 6 age...and this was kind of picnic of all the nurseries member. The kids were so cuteee....they act like real hikers :). I was so amazed watching the kids. While i felt so exhausted to reach...

In my sight : Tsukuba Science City

Tsukuba Science City Tsukuba Science city. Thats the predicate of Tsukuba, city where I live now. As you seen in the picture above, rocket and space ilustrating this city. Tsukuba is well-planned city and all you can find here is research station.  Refers to this website , 60 research Institute placed in Tsukuba and Japanese goverment deliberate this city as research city as you seen now. Great number of station riset here attract many people all over the world visited this country as a researcher and also student. No wonder if you see a lot of foreigner here. If I have to ilustrating this city, for me this is quite silent city. Maybe all of people here crazy about study and research which is not like me at all :)), but I am amazed about the cleanliness of this city.  Here some picture of Tsukuba Senta to Ilustrating the city. I took these picture about a week ago at the afternoon, while I sitting in the park and watching the peolple comes and goes.  ...

Tsukuba Daigaku Festival 2012

Tsukuba Daigaku Festival means University of Tsukuba Festival. This is once year event and this festival hosted by University of Tsukuba. This is 3 days event started from 6 to 8 October 2012. For me, this was big event I think...and it's really made me feel..Japan! Many of senior high school student also came to the festival.  For me, this is also cosplay festival. each booth perform their best and wearing unique costume like fruit, animal and manga costume and yelling many times. As a new student here, I was so amazed! Kawaaaiii desu ne :)  Each community, departement, student club has their own booth. Mostly the booth sell food, and some present art. In this festival, Indonesia Student Community (PPI Ibaraki) sold Nasi Goreng, Dadar Gulung, Mie Goreng, Batagor and also Pisang goreng. And Alhamdulillah....its all sold out! PPI Booth Laris manisss !!!                             ...

Gimana gituu...

Ngeliat pamflet ini dipajang di banyak tempat di kampus ini rasanya gimana gituu... apalagi ada berbagai pose dari sang model. Cukup ini aja yang di capture ... ini aja udah gimana gitu...


Here is .... Ichinoya Residence. Buliding number 34 and room number is 313. It is located in southern side of this University.  I am going to stay here for 10 months. Sometimes its looks creepy..but It is very comfort indeed. This room completed with bathroom and I loved the nobita-liked desk. The best part of this room is the Balcony where I can see the leaves turning into Yellow. Autumn  is coming :)                    Ichinoya 34 Residence                                   Creepy isnt?                                    Nobita-liked desk, I love it!!                                   Nice Balcony The leaves turning into yellow  ...

Hari Pertama di Tsukuba

Alhamdulillah... setelah sekitar 7 jam berada di atas pesawat dengan nomer Penerbangan GA884, akhirnya saya sampai juga di Narita pada pukul 09.00 waktu setempat. Cuacanya panaaaas bo, 28 derajat Celcius. Untung gak pekai jaket :).  Hal pertama yang saya lakukan pada saat itu yakni menuju tempat pengecekan imigrasi untuk membuat Alien Card yang merupakan kartu identitas untuk tinggal di Jepang. Banyak sekali antrian di sana. Setelah kurang lebih mengantri sejam akhirnya saya mendapatkan Alien Card saya.  Setelah mengambil Alien card, saya lantas menuju tempat pengambilan bagasi. Bicara tentang bagasi, pastinya sarat pengorbanan karena beratnya lumayan yakni kurang lebih 30 kg. Bagasi beres, lalu saya keluar. Seharusnya, ada orang dari travel agent yang jemput saya dan mengantar saya untuk membeli tiket ke Tsukuba. Tapi, setelah celingak celinguk kanan kiri kok saya tidak menemukan orang yang bawa-bawa kertas dengan tulisan nama saya. Jadi, akhirnya saya memutusk...