Beberapa hari lalu, setelah update blog, saya bikin status di WA. Gak nyangka, ada temen yang komentar "Wah, masih ngeblog aja saf". Dari komentar itu, kesannya, ngeblog termasuk sesuatu yang old fashion . Ya gak sih? Sekitar 2010 (Buset, itu 9 tahun lalu), saya mulai ngeblog. Juga temen-teman kuliah, lalu saya follow banyak orang, termasuk blogger ternama (pada jamannya). Semua update orang-orang yang saya ikuti ini nampak di dashboard. I just love the way people talk in blog... so pure. Every people talk with their own style. Share their own story that inspire me or just entertain me with their story. Even just their daily routine or personal thought. I do really love to spent hours to read stories posted in personal blog. And now... Time change and people change. Instagram and youtube become so popular. I wouldn't say that i do not like Instagram and seeing people post on youtube. But somehow, there just different. The way people post and share story in IG...