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Beasiswa Joint Japan/WorldBank Graduate Scholarship Program

To apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant should read carefully the application procedure as outlined in documents below:

Application Guidelines

Preferred Universities in 2010-2011

How to Apply


To apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant must:
• Be a national of a World Bank member country eligible to borrow.
• Be born after March 31, 1970.
• Have, by March 31, 2010, at least 2, preferably 4 to 5, years of recent full time professional experience acquired after a university degree, in the applicant’s home country or in another developing country.
• Hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
• Be in good health.
• Be of good character.
• Not be a permanent resident or a national of any industrialized country.
• Not be residing in an industrialized country for more than one year.
• Not be an Executive Director, his/her alternate, staff of the World Bank Group (the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, International Development Association, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes), consultant, or relative of the aforementioned.
Program of Study
• Eligible applicants should propose a program of study related to development at the master's level, in fields such as economics, health, education, agriculture, environment, natural resource management, or other development related subject.
• The proposed program of study should start during the academic year 2010/2011 for a maximum duration of two years. The JJ/WBGSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled (i.e., taking classes) in graduate degree programs.
• Applicants should submit evidence of current unconditional admission to at least one development-related university master’s degree program. Applicants are encouraged to apply to one of the Preferred Universities.
• The Program does not support studies in the applicant’s home country.
• The Program does not support applicants for MBA, MDs, M.Phil. or Ph.D. degrees.
• The Program does not support legal studies such as J.D., L.L.M. or S.J.D. except for L.L.M.’s related to human rights, environment, or good governance.
The scholarship program does not sponsor undergraduate studies, distance learning programs, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, research projects, and fields of studies not related to development. All these requests will not be considered.

The Program does not support certain other fields of study.

Selection Criteria

Eligible applications are assessed according to three main factors: academic excellence, professional experience, and relevance of program of study. Priority is given to candidates from the public sector with a high potential to impact the development in their own countries after completion of their studies. To the extent permitted by Program requirements and selection standards, the JJ/WBGSP:
• seeks to maintain a reasonably wide geographical distribution of awards and gives priority to applicants from low-income countries
• supports promising female candidates
• gives priority to those candidates who, other things equal, have limited financial resources
Special Conditions
• In accepting the JJ/WBGSP scholarship, candidates commit themselves to return to and work in their home countries after completion of their studies.
• In accepting this scholarship, candidates consent to the employment restriction policy of the JJ/WBGSP and acknowledge that they will not be able to work at the World Bank Group or IMF for three years after completion of their academic program.

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